Hetty Jansen Training & Coaching.

Brand identity for HJTC - Hetty Jansen Training and Coaching.

HJTC trains individuals on how to best collaborate and cooperate with others in different scenarios, whether it is at work, school, etc. They also guide them in understanding the origin of stress-led behaviour and how to deal with those situations. They do this by using the Process Communication Model (PCM) to analise behaviour patterns and different personality types.

Based on this we developed a brand identity that references the structured way of thinking used in PCM, which opens our minds to understanding those around us, therefore allowing us to come together as teams and produce our best work.

maar nu gemotiveerd


We developed a booklet for HJTC's and Rotz's article "Agile, maar nu gemotiveerd", or "Agile, but now motivated" in english. Here they explain how to work with individuals with different personality types in an agile working environment.




Hetty Jansen